Current terms and conditions – effective until 1 April 2025

If you have a cahoot savings product, a Simple Saver, Sunny Day Saver or Fixed rate bond, you should read the cahoot general savings terms and conditions

If you have a cahoot current account, credit card or loan, you should read the cahoot general terms and conditions

The online banking terms and conditions apply to our online banking service. Separate terms apply to our cahoot accounts. You can access online banking by logging on using the ‘log on’ button at the top of this page.

Upcoming terms and conditions – effective from 2 April 2025

We’re making changes to our terms and conditions, which will go live on 2 April 2025. We’ll be writing to existing customers throughout January to notify them of the changes and why we’re making them. Our online banking terms and conditions are not impacted as part of this change.

cahoot general savings terms and conditions 

cahoot general terms and conditions

Key Facts Documents

You can find the relevant product specific terms in the Key Facts Document for your cahoot account. Where there's a conflict between any product specific terms and your general terms and conditions; the product specific terms will apply.

More information

The fee information document applies to the cahoot current account. This contains information on the main fees and charges for the account.

Our Glossary explains the main terms/services linked to current accounts.

Our Data Protection Statement outlines how your personal data is protected under Data Protection legislation.

Please read all terms and conditions carefully.

Rates and information correct as at 11 February 2025.