Contact us

We're here to help. Please send a secure message from the online banking 'Help & contact us' tab or call us on:

0330 678 2811 (or +44 1908 937 222 if calling from abroad). We’re open Monday to Friday 8am-6pm, and Saturday 9am-5pm.


We'll never call you from any number on this page.

It’s a scam if you get a call from one of the numbers on this page, or the caller tried to send you to our website to verify the number they're calling from.

If this happens to you, hang up, wait 5 minutes to be sure the line is clear, and call us on 0330 678 2811 or 0800 9 173 489 (freephone).




We always try to give you the best possible service, so we’re sorry if we haven’t got things right. 

The best way to contact us is on the phone so we can talk to you in person and take action to sort out things for you. Call us on 0330 678 2811 or 0800 9 173 489 (freephone). 

For more ways to contact us and more information about how we deal with complaints promptly and fairly, read our 'How to complain' leaflet.

Call charges

Call charges for telephone numbers used on the cahoot website are as follows:

  • 0800 numbers: Calls are free of charge from all UK landlines and mobile phones
  • 03 numbers: Calls from UK landlines and mobiles cost no more than calls to geographic numbers (01 or 02). Learn more from Ofcom’s call costs guide.