Account alerts

Changes to Account alerts

If you've registered for some alerts on a current account or savings account, from 12 May 2025 we'll stop sending them.


We’re doing this because you can get a more detailed view of your account activity with Online Banking.


We’ll stop sending these alerts if:


  • your account balance falls below a limit you’ve set
  • your account balance goes above a limit you’ve set
  • you pay more into your account than a limit you’ve set
  • you take more money out of your account than a limit you’ve set
  • weekly account balances and transactions.


Here are other ways that you can keep up to date with your accounts:

  • you can view your balance and transactions in Online Banking, where you can see your live account information anytime
  • you can contact us.


If you’ve registered to receive them, we’ll still send you other alerts. For example, if your account balance is close to your overdraft limit, or we’ve refused a payment due to a lack of funds.

Stay in the know

Our free text alerts let you stay up to date with what's happening in your accounts. Set up your alerts, then take action to manage your money in the best way, avoiding charges, staying on top of your bills and making the most of interest.

It’s important to register a mobile number on your account to receive alerts. You can use Online Banking to check or update the mobile number registered on your account. You can use Online Banking to choose to stop getting some alerts. If you have questions we’d be happy to talk to you over the phone. We have to send some alerts for regulatory reasons. You won’t be able to change these alerts.

Get alerts by text, email or both for your current account, savings account and credit card.

Set up alerts
  • log on to online banking
  • from your secure personal homepage select 'request account alerts'
  • select how you'd like to be notified (via email or text message)
  • choose the account alerts you’d like to receive
  • click 'yes' to change your account alert settings.

There's no cost to you for signing up to, and setting up and receiving alerts. It's a free service offered by us.

Most UK mobile providers don’t charge you to receive text messages, even when abroad. However, you should check with your mobile phone provider to confirm whether or not you'd be charged.

Email alerts are sent 24 hours a day and text alerts are sent between 10am and 8pm daily. If an alert is triggered after 8pm then the text will be sent at 10am the next morning.

We’re making changes to alerts to help you avoid or minimise charges. Details about these changes and which products they apply to are detailed below.

Current accounts

We’ll automatically start sending you text alerts to help you avoid charges when your account has entered an arranged or unarranged overdraft position or when it’s about to, for example, because of a regular payment (e.g. direct debit).

Credit Cards

We’ve simplified the Alerts Service clause in our General Terms and Conditions to advise you that if the alert is not a regulatory requirement, we’ll give you the option to opt-out.