Help and support

Frequently asked questions

Your questions answered. We have help on every aspect of banking with us, from changing your address to paying your credit card bill.

Contact us

You can get in touch by sending us a secure message or by phoning our freephone number.

How we identify you

How we electronically identify you when you apply for a product with us

Account changes

Learn more about changes to your account

Your personal data rights explained

Learn more about your personal data rights

Money worries

We’re here to help if you’re worried that you may be getting into financial difficulties or have any concerns about debt.


All you need to know about using our website and online bank if you have a visual, hearing or speech impairment.

What to do when someone dies

Dealing with financial matters after a death can be hard. The information in this section is designed to help you at what we know is a difficult time.

Power of Attorney

Arrange for someone you trust to manage your finances on your behalf through a Power of Attorney.

Third Party Providers: Open Banking

Open Banking is the name used by the financial industry to talk about services which let current account holders share their financial information with, and make payments to, banks and other authorised organisations.

Service quality information

The Financial Conduct Authority requires us to publish the following information about our personal current accounts.

Travel company ceased trading

Flybe - important information for customers

Overdraft cost calculator

See how much using an overdraft could cost you


To help protect yourself from scams and fraud, before making any cryptocurrency payments, visit our cryptocurrency page.

Strong Customer Authentication

Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) provides extra layers of security when you buy things online or make payments online, such as when using Online Banking.

Persistent debt

If you’ve received an email or letter from us saying your credit card is in persistent debt and you would like to find out more information please visit our persistent debt page.

Requests for information
To make sure the information we have for you is up to date, we may contact you from time to time after your account has been opened. To find out more and to understand why we do this, take a look at our handy guide