
At cahoot, we're committed to making our website accessible and usable for everyone. We've invested in research and consultancy with specialist companies to understand how best to do this.

The resulting changes we've made mean that most users with additional needs should have a much better experience, and we've tested the site with screen readers such as JAWS, Window-Eyes and IBM Home Page Reader. In addition, if you wish, you can now change the size of text using the ‘View’ menu in Internet Explorer for a more comfortable reading experience.

You’ll need Adobe Acrobat to view and print PDF documents that appear on this website. To download this program for free, visit the Adobe website

You'll also find useful tools and resources on the Adobe website if you want to read PDF documents with a screen reader.

If you'd like paperwork in large print, Braille or audio CD please call us on 0330 678 2811 or you can call us on 0800 9 173 489 (freephone). We’re open 8am-6pm Monday-Friday, and 9am-5pm Saturday (if calling from outside the UK please dial +44 1908 937 222).