Safe and sound with cahoot online

You can be confident your money is safe when you manage your cahoot account online. We guard your identity using robust security built into our Online Banking technology.

Online banking commitment

We’d like to assure you that your money is safe when you bank online. There are protections provided by the Payment Services Regulations 2009. In the unlikely event funds are taken from your account in the case of fraud, we'll refund you and restore your account to how it was before the unauthorised transaction happened. 

There are some instances when this protection isn’t available. For example, if you've acted fraudulently, or have deliberately, or with gross negligence failed to take reasonable steps to keep your security information safe.

How we manage scam claims

What we do to keep your account safe

What you should do to keep your account safe

You've seen some of the steps we take to help prevent fraud but there are ways for you to boost this protection.

Bank safe online

For more information about web security please visit Financial Fraud Action UK.

This site gives advice and tips on how to use online banking services, on your computer or other device, securely and with confidence.